Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Posture = Confidence?


Do you think good posture has anything to do with confidence?

Growing up I had the worst posture & for me it really came about because of a lack of confidence.

To me I had confused confidence with arrogance, & I would often judge those that seemed happy & lucky & yea, confident. In retrospect it was easier to judge them than me. It was easier to stay in pain than to get outside my comfort zone and grow. I sat when I should have stood. I was quiet when I should said something. And I was hurt when I should have asked for help. Yep, lack of confidence makes life sucky doesn't it?!!?

This is something I knew I HAD to work on if I wanted anything different for my life. And it meant loving instead of judging myself and others. In order for ANY change to take place you have to OWN IT and say ..."This is NOT defining me." And then do something about it. And honestly self care in ANY FORM is a great first step. For me change came in the form of exercise. From Tae Bo as a teenager to Zumba in my 20's and now committing to home programs(from start to finish).

Because of this consistency I grew in confidence & I was able to face my binge eating and nail biting. And now no panic attacks either. 🙌

I share all that to say that when I saw this pic from my camera roll it made me smile because I don't see a scared unsure girl anymore. I see a beautiful woman who is doing great things for herself and she stands tall and actually looks pretty great for 36. Yea. She's confident. And I'm pretty proud of her.

I'm here to help because I want you to know you aren't alone. You're ALREADY worthy of love just the way you are & when you begin to realize this you start to stand taller and treat yourself and others with more love. This is February after all. Show some kindness...especially to yourself. 💕💕💕

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