Outside a Box
If you could feel amazing & confident & hit ALL OF YOUR HEALTH & /OR WEALTH GOALS by investing in yourself for $5 a day..... would you do it?!?!?!
Sounds like a scam, right?!?!!
Guys, I get it. I THOUGHT you had to be perfect & make NO mistakes in order to have success. NOPE.
We as Coaches DO make mistakes. I'm a real person and will have Doritos time to time or forget to check into my groups or get frustrated with learning a new app..etc... But that's the beauty of this job. It's NOT placed me in a box.
It's done the OPPOSITE.
I'm continually learning and growing & because of Coaching I've had the freedom to travel and freedom to face my own health battles & built my confidence from a binge eating, panic attack driven, people pleaser to who I am today....(I mean yea, still a little cray, and shouldn't be around Doritos too much) .... but I'm SO MUCH happier and healthier and yes, Imma say it ....."WEALTHIER".
NO, this job doesn't GAURANTEE any type of success but without this business I would NOT be where I am today. Crazy to think I almost didn't make that $150 investment to start this Online business but for some reason I said yes bc I was actually looking for it FOR YEARSSSSSSS.
And I KNOW this isn't just working for me, it's working for SO MANY OTHERS. Our team is full of people from ALL walks of life and we all have just 2 major things in common....
#1 we love helping & seeing others succeed
#2 we want to provide more for our families
And with those 2 goals in mind Coaching has been the answer for us.
What about you? Are those 2 things important to you as well? I have a Coach info session coming up this weekend and I am sharing more info about how to grow an Online Health Business. Click HERE if you want to have a conversation about it. Because trust me perfection is NOT required...instead it's the dream of something more and the willingness to learn how to get there is all you need.
#healthyandwealthycoaching #thesweatlifewithsarah #sweatwithsarah