Week #2 Our 2 Responsibilities in life
Hey! So Resolutions and goals are made for 2020, right?! Awesome, Although I recently heard that ONLY 8% of people actually STICK to their goals throughout the year! WHAT?!?!!? Yea, I hate to admit I have been that 92% and it’s SOOOOO frustrating... I mean, heck I STILL don’t see certain goals met, but one thing I learn year after year, after year...…. I CANNOT GIVE UP. Seriously we just can’t guys. And here is WHY...We have 2 responsibilities in our ONE life.
> Care & Love for ourselves.
> Care & Love for others.
When I make goals for the year- I have those 2 things in mind. If they DON’T align with that- then it’s outta the list. It makes me realize that certain goals are just SILLY & they shouldn’t even be on the list!!! (((I mean yea, this girl REALLY wants a jeep- so Imma just throw that out there- buuuut there are more important things I need to spend $$ on- but you better believe I'm working towards it....year, after year ;) ))) Ok, I digress & honestly, at the end of our lives I think we will want to look back and be GRATEFUL that we didn’t waste time or energy on the drama & the negative & we weren’t too afraid to try new things. Instead we want to look back and see the POSITIVE impact that we had on our friends and family members. Ya feel me?!!?! With that said, I would love to hear YOUR goal or in other words, YOUR RESPONSIBILITY for 2020. Does it fit into your plan for your life? Is it something you are working towards daily? And HOW are you making time for it?
I am here to help you do that ya know. We are friends and I want you to know I CARE about you. Even if your goal is to drink more water- that is AMAZING!!!! I think ONE positive behavior makes a domino effect so embrace EVERY positive habit you create as a HUGE WIN!!!!! Brag about it and tag me on the socials ;)
One of my goals is to impact YOU to make that positive change. So that’s why I am committing to more weekly emails. Sorry if you will get sick of me, but hey- if it encourages you and reminds you that at least ONE person in your life cares about you then IMMA DO IT!!!!!!! <3
I Love you and I hope to hear from you soon. And if I don’t hear from ya- we still friends boo. Have an awesome rest of your week!! Talk soon!!!
Your friend and Coach
Sarah Placencia