Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Take Care of Yourself


Being weak is not a bad sign. It's a sign and knowing what your weakness is means you CAN get stronger. An area I needed to work on was my mindset & self care. I FINALLY took action recently. 

Being the "YES, PEOPLE PLEASER" in me I found it hard at first because helping people filled my cup...right?!?!?! Well, I thought so until I really looked deep. 

I had to be super honest and realize I was doing for others for approval, acceptance and making others happy thinking that would be mirrored back to me. 

I didn't want to "rock the boat" as they say, so I was the nice EVERYONE. But on the inside I was full of turmoil, resentment, tired ALL THE TIME & I felt I was pouring into people that no matter what I did, I couldn't help or encourage them enough.

I never felt fulfilled or saw the work come to fruition so I got angry, cried for no reason at times and felt bitter. NOT a good place to be. Even writing this I feel like I'm whining. Sorry if it comes across that way. 

I digress, I have a point, I promise, because I FINALLY feel I'm coming out on the other side of this so I thought I would share what's helped me THE most and that is SELF CARE.

I know that word is thrown around A LOT lately but it's a necessity if you ever felt the way I did. 

Self care can look different for everyone, but to me it's a workout, showering and going back into sweats๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ drinking coffee & listening/note taking to my personal development audio book before I start in on messages and checking in with my clients and team.

This is a MUST for me to fill my cup before I fill can't pour from an empty cup ya'll!!!!

It took me longer than I'd like to admit before I ACTUALLY started doing this but now that it's a habit I'm at my happiest. Just curious what do you do for YOU that fills your cup!? How do you self care? Or do you want to? You can write down what you would LIKE to do. Making a plan is ALWAYS a great first step to a happier you. ๐Ÿ˜˜

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