I got NOWHERE when I complained about all the things that were out of my control. So I took a good look at my life and made a list of "controllables and "non-controllables" & that gave me a good sense of the direction I wanted my life to go. Because REAL success starts when you see what you CAN control & you decide to take ACTION on it.
Can you think of at least ONE thing you have complained about OVER & OVER about!?! Yes!!?!? Ok, then what ONE THING can you actually improve on to make that complaint a success? Or is out of your control!?!!?! Ok, then MOVE ON. That's it!!!!! You can't change the past. You can't change what other people do, or WHY WORRY!?!?! It's worthless energy spent when you think on those things!!!!! Ya know where to put that wasted energy!?!? Back into bettering YOUR life because when YOU are happy and fulfilled it WILL help other people also. And that ain't selfish. 🙌💕🙌#mindandbodymakeover #transform2k19