Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.



This is my ...."I'M SO SORRY POST".....

I hesitated sharing this because sometimes as a leader of a team ya might think, "I shouldn't make mistakes"..."what would they think if I fail"... "I can never let them down".... "I need to be the best at this"...or maybe I think that if I'm NOT there to lead then EVERYTHING would fall apart....and as egotistical as that sounds that was SOOO me especially earlier today.

Guys, I OVERSLEPT for my team call. Yea, the one I HOST. The one where today we were planning on making vision boards for 2020😭😭😭....

And NO. The world did not end. When I hopped on wayyy late there was still a few ladies there who told me all about what they shared and how encouraging everyone was on the call and they ALL stepped up to be there and LEAD EACH OTHER. And in that moment I realized something... they GOT THIS.

I had a false sense of security thinking I was the glue...and I'm NOT and this is a GREAT thing. I'm so freaking proud of our team and I have to say sorry for being a flippin control freak πŸ€£πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈ I know you ALL are more than capable of this. I Know NOW how much my ego gets in the way sometimes...and I'm gonna stop that. I'm going to work on this. And I thank you guys for your constant love and helping me to grow everydayπŸ’• Love you Team SWEAT. Always.

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