Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Sunday Nights


Are Sundays nights when you plan out your week too!?! I once heard "If you fail to plan, then you plan to Fail!!!" So Planning it is!!! ðŸ˜‰âœŠ

For accountability sake and so I don't go get ice cream.....I'm having my shake for dessert! I'll be honest..... This weekend was not my cleanest and I've been feeling it! Getting back on track with nutrition though! This week I'm planning it all out....(and yes. My schedule is a little different than most...I've always worked out better on a almost empty stomach. Just listen to your body to see what works for you too 😉...
9am wake
10am coffee with half and half
1PM workout
2Pm superfoods vegan chocolate with frozen berries and almond butter
6ishpm salad with homemade dressing
8ish PM hello fresh dinner
10pm BB choc cherry bar
12or 1am bed

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