Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Why Not Me?


I remember thinking 4 years ago what my ideal schedule would look like. It included 15-20 classes a week to be able to make just enough money to live in our 1 bedroom apartment and to be able to travel back home and visit family 1x a year....But I wasnt fulfilled and I had put a ceiling to my success. I started to think.... "why make "just enough"!?!?"
I saw online entrepreneurs who were crushing it (don't get me wrong, some were so annoying and spammy and that's why I didn't sign up right away)🙈🙈🙈 But somewhere deep down I thought .."HOW were the SUCCESSFUL (and not spammy) ones doing it!?!? and WHY NOT ME!?!?!"
I had hit a wall of overtraining and working wayyyyy too hard for "JUST ENOUGH". So I did it. I jumped in with both feet, joined a Virtual Fit Club as an "Intern Coach" and decided that if this was going to work I had to SHOW UP for it. I was teaching 15+ classes with 6 different formats so time was limited but I had a good enough reason for this. And that reason was ME. That reason was bringing home Eddie from work. That reason was freedom to CHOOSE to teach fitness classes and personal train......not "HAVING TOO" just to "make enough". That reason also included mentoring others who are just like me. Who are reaching burn out. Who need the help and guidance just like I did. 
This business has forever changed my life. My family's life. And the lives of the many clients and fellow Coaches I've helped to become successful. I love what I do and I will be doing this forever. I ain't going anywhere 😉 If you need help reach out to me. I can send you info on what this business is and see if your goals align with it. I'm here to help. Always. 😍😘😍😘 #onlinecoach #zumbainstructor#poundinstructor #notamorningperson#busybuildingmydreams

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