Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.



Cheers to 2018!!! ☕I know resolutions are being set and You want BIG GOALS to happen but don't forget about the many small changes needed to reach your goals. I recommend making 2 lists of CHANGES.
One list will be Negative Changes. Let me ecplain bc that sounds a little confusing. The NEGATIVE Changes will be the habits that NEED TO GO!!!!! What behaviors are ....
👉time wasting
👉sabatoging your BIG GOAL
👉Time spent with people that bring you down. Yea I know you know some. We all do 😲😲😉
Ok..depressed yet!? Lol. Dont be!!!!! Now that you know what you need to SUBTRACT or minimize from your life then you will now have the time to ADD in the POSITIVE Changes!!! Write out a POSITIVE list and be sure to invlude HOW & WHEN you will be comitting to each behavior from your list.
Most people think they can DO IT ALL!!! NO. NO ONE CAN FIT 50 HOURS INTO A 24 HOUR DAY. SO STOP TRYING!!!!!!!
I hope this helps! I know for me it was REALLY hard to make the changes so I'm warning you now this won't be easy but once you finally give PRIORITY to POSOTIVE CHANGES then it WILL BE WORTH IT!!!!! Lets rock 2018 together!!!!!! ✊✊✊
#2018goals #makeithappen #coachlife

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