Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

BEYOND Ridiculous

This is BEYOND a ridiculous let me explain my enthusiasm

I JUST shared in my private group about the last recent pay day. And it gives me chills. And then I read what my friends shared with me. And THIS IS WHY I WON'T STOP SHARING ABOUT THIS!!!!

Supplements our retirement so we don’t have to touch our savings. -Lorna

Happy Pay day I have a repeat income of .... And I use this to help with our mortgage, utilities and paying off debt!- Bobbi

Currently my family of 4 just landed in Royalton Splash Riviera Cancun fans & Guests 2024 from Winnipeg. Couldn’t have come without my additional income - Janet

Covers my order each month and a round of groceries - Amy

My husband is a golf professional. And late just say he calls me sugar momma. I’ve never been able to provide for my family like I do now. I truly feel blessed to bring in a second income from home while homeschooling my yougest... -Janice

I was shocked to see that my paycheck continues to stay so steady even when I have slower months. I plan to use this months check to buy plane tickets to the Virgin Islands! I have decided that traveling with my kids while they’re still living at home is most important to us! -Dawn

My paycheck is steady each month. It’s so nice to know I can count on this repeat income!! This check will bridge the gap of a weekly to bi-wkly payday change with my part time job to cover household expenses AND some will go into savings. Thank goodness for this check especially after the holidays! -Jessica

Btw, you can SEE these acreenshots in my stories today, bc YES THIS JOB IS REAL!!!!!

I have a REPEAT reorder rate & almost 96% of my customers STAY so that means people LOVE shopping here!!!! Ask yourself in this economy how can anyone afford to spend money at BIG BOX STORES?

I help people save money on everyday essentials. Yup, we have nearly 500 products & those that want to refer can REALLY make an income here when they commit to the work!!!! And MOST people I work with already have ft jobs! Thats the beauty of an Online job!

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