Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Fibroid Awareness

"Exposure to chemicals found in hundreds of household products — including many soaps and shampoos — has long been associated with an increased risk of uterine fibroids."

Just because I was eating healthier, excerising and focusing on my mindset, I still wasn't doing ENOUGH.

I was buying lotion and hair care that had ingredients that are BANNED in Europe.

I was using TIDE laundry detergent that has 7 known carcinogens.

I was using bleach and KNEW it wasnt safe.

Then I started researching....

Why am I (someone pretty healthy) STILL struggle from inflammation? And I googled and found THIUSANDS of articles...

Go ahead, Google THIS👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽

Can fibroids GROW because because of toxins I am using???


So why am I helping people to learn about DETOXING their homes?

Because you could be doing everything right....except for this ONE AREA..just like I was.

I'm healing. I'm finally healing. It's still hard at times and I know this isn't going to be an overnight success, but I'm finally giving my body a fighting chance.

And YES. I found the ONE STORE that carries CLEANER AND SAFER PRODUCTS & I'm never going back and I'm forever grateful for the Wellness Woskshops where I've learned SO MUCH.

I can't thank you enough, Shelby, Adrienne, Laura, Sherry, Bonnie, and Sandy. I've learned so much from you all. THANK YOU. 😍😭🙏🏽😍

#HolisticHomeWellness #fibroidawareness

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