Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

How Many "Almosts"

How many "almosts" are you gonna live through this life? And is it because you fear what others will think of you if you decide to TRY? Because if your tribe is gonna be that judgey, then maybe that's not your tribe... & deep down, I think you know that too.

I think most of us at one point are in that "ALMOST" phase of life...which is fine to be in..but NOT to stay in.

I know I went back and forth with this business for nearly 2 years & it's never about it being "a perfect fit" for yourself...instead it's about learning to let go of the need to be perfect or for it to "feel right" and be at the "right time".

Because trust me, there will always appear to be greener grass somewere else, until you FINALLY realize YOU are enough to grow and YES, you WILL grow if you DECIDE to live outside the safety of "ALMOST."

Always rooting for you. It's time for you to root for you too.

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