Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

The Work

The work I was avoidingπŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½

Going after what my heart was telling me to do a year and a half ago.....

Deciding to start a couple new jobs in July really made me question my worth.

Was I a fraud for going after these new endeavors and did I just not try "HARD ENOUGH" to want to keep grinding in my other job?

No, the reason was actually pretty simple.

Being the REBEL that I am, the work I was doing started to feel like corporate America.

Cut backs, under appreciation, not having the same opportunity as someone else bc of where I was "placed" ....and it became work that I didn't feel like I could lead people to the same success that I had had because of these changes, and that didn't sit right with me.

I am STILL doing what I love and I am helping people become healthier has NOT changed. I just NOW feel better about the work that I do.

I won't tell people.....

"you just have to GRIND HARDER."

"You have to sacrifice time to get time."

"Just keep doing what worked 10 years ago."

That's Insanity people. Doing the SAME THING, expecting different results.

Maybe it's not that work that you did that wasn't enough, maybe it's the work that's not working FOR YOU.

I had heard that, maybe thinking that "you didn't work hard enough to get the results you want" ...that INSTEAD you start to think..."the work didn't work hard enough to KEEP YOU."

If you feel me on this, then maybe it's also time for you to make a stand for what you feel is right.

People pleasing and wanting to do a GOOD JOB can only take you so far because if you start to feel tore down instead of built up, then it's not you babe.

I'm WORTHY for more...not for less. And if someone doesnt recognize that for you too, then maybe it's time to move forward too.

#healthyandwealthycoaching #HolisticHomeWellness #iam1stphorm #fightforfreedom

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