Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Wow, This Works

Even with having a "treat" meal yesterday...(mmmmmm sushi rolls) I'm kinda digging the no bloat and more muscle mass lately....

Who knew this Gut Health program with the 30 min (only 4 days a week) weight lifting program would do so much!!!?!?!? Tbh, I wasn't expecting to feel THIS good.

Did I mention I'm starting ALL new clients and fellow Coaches on THIS program...why? Because you might ALSO have food sensitivities you don't even know you have!!!!

When you take back control of your nutrition you start looking at food differently. It's not "cheating" when you have a treat and it's not about punishing your body by overtraining and bingeing, both things I struggled with for YEARSSSSSSS.

This program has taught me to become more self-aware of what I put in my body and tbh, it's helped me not be so lazy!

Seriously, it's so easy to say “screw it, we’re getting fast food" (and yes, sometimes it's needed) but when that becomes more of a "regular" than taking time to eat "real food," then there's an issue.

The MORE we eat foods that cause more damage than good, the more we are programming ourselves to reach for those things....then we wonder WHY we feel so bad all the time.

Our bodies are TRYING to tell us to stop by giving us signs like....

  • Skin rashes

  • bloating

  • poor sleep

  • low energy

  • feeling anxious

  • painful menstrual cycles

    the list goes on...

I had to OWN what my struggles were and I had to be WILLING to go the "tough route" you know, not look for the quick fixes, that doesn't address the issues, but a REAL fix to EMPOWER myself to say I CAN DO THIS.

And so can you. And yes, this is a good place to start.

If you think you need this too, then I'm inviting you to join me for a 2nd round group on May 2nd (prep week). We officially begin May 9th & I want you to feel this good too. Reach out to me anytime or fill out my Virtual Health Club form. You aren't alone in this journey!

#guthealthmatters #youmatter #thesweatlifewithsarah #sweatwithsarah

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