Ready for You, July
Ready for you, July. In less than a week I'm heading to Mexico on a trip I earned for helping just 3-5 people per month for 12 months in a row. To think I doubted this for almost 2 years makes me realize that we ALL think we don't have what it takes when it comes to pursuing our dreams. We think we will fail & that's what stops us before we even start.....I recently shared this with someone so I thought I would share with you too...
Failures are a part of learning and growth. We ALL started off as failures- we learned to eat, crawl, walk, fall over, run, ride a bike, fall again, get a job, quit or get fired, relationship after relationship failed ....but we STILL get up- bc there is ALWAYS growth from it!!!
If you are interested but nervous about it, you can also join for the discount and join as a participant FIRST then decide later if Coaching is right for you too.
Coaching is all about 'ME FIRST" which sounds like a selfish concept but it's not. Being a Coach is about OUR HEALTH, OUR MINDSET and when we CAN treat ourselves with love then we then have the confidence to help others. that's how I learned.
.....and I bet that's how you will learn too if you give yourself the chance. Coach (or "discount" Coach) sign ups for our HUSTLE & HEART CHALLENGE opens TUESDAY JULY 6TH. I will teach you EVERYTHING I know, but you MUST trust yourself, not to know everything, but TRUST that being a beginner is the FIRST STEP.
I'm here for you...and hosting a Coach Retreat in November Wanna join!?!?
Info links in comments below
#letsdothis #bettertogether #healthyandwealthycoaching