Womens' Day Selfie
For this women's day, I wanted to share a selfie. No filter. No make up. Sweaty hair bc I just finished my workout. I never would have shared ME years ago without having a ton of makeup on. I have these programs and supplements to thank and yup, if it took me investing in my health to have this confidence then YES.... I WISH I would have done this sooner.....heck I wished I would have BELIEVED I was worthy enough to stay committed to this too!!!!!
And YES......I WILL invite YOU unapologetically to join my Virtual Health Clubs.... Because YES, I believe we ALL deserve to have the support of others & FEEL this good in our OWN bodies.
No matter the size, skin color, or religious beliefs...or anything else that one might think separates me from her. I SEE YOU. I AM YOU. I LOVE YOU. Hope you have a great day, month year and forever ladies. Don't let this day end without taking time for YOU.
#superfoodsforthewin #collagenpowder #healthyandwealthycoaching #virtualhealthclub #sweatwithsarah #sweatlifewithsarah