Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Diving Deep

Diving deep into my Personal Development this month and I want to share with you what I'm uncovering because maybe we are similar and maybe we can also learn from each other.

What's my greatest fear?!
Not being successful and not being able to help others have success.

How is fear stopping me?
My desire for control is what's holding me back....possibly my rebel..."do it myself" nature.

In what ways am I letting fear take over this control?
Avoiding the HARD work.
Using humor to hide my pain.
Doing busy work when I should provide room for growth for myself and others.
Blaming myself and blaming others.

What is my out of control responses?
Avoidance. Anger. Self Pity. Blame.

What should be my fear LESS response?
Showing up with love to myself and others.

How do I accomplish this?
By recognizing my fear and CHOOSING the RIGHT action.
Asking for help.
Be the student more than I am the teacher.
Celebrate what I and others have already accomplished.

Ya, know.....for me the physical fitness is something I tend to dive into because for a LONG time I used overtraining as a way to cope with my emotional pain. I also struggled with being accepted and loved so for me I used food as a control....but in actuality it controlled me. My emotional eating and bingeing was at an all time high while relationships in my life were very toxic. I can see how the fear also responded with panic attacks and skin rashes and depression. Fear starts IN the body and while it hurts to uncover it, it actually will lead you to the REAL truth you MUST face.

My avoidance and INACTION kept me stuck & getting to the other side of this takes guts guys and while my past struggles are nearly gone the FEAR and the negative reactions are still present but I know the work that needs to be done is ALWAYS worth it.

So I invite you to copy my questions. Write down your OWN answers and look for the pain...don't suppress it. The ONLY way past is THROUGH. Trust me. If we are gonna make 2021 amazing then we gotta do Mindset work too #wegotthis #fearless #takecontrolin2021

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