Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.



It's so easy to see potential in OTHERS, but not see it in YOURSELF. So in order to get outta your head & STOP the self limiting beliefs you must FIRST value yourself MORE.

Easier said than done...amirite?!?!

For me, this took SEARCHING OUT the type of people who ALSO wanted more and were pursuing it through their actions. Not just talking the talk, but walking it. Daily.

This quote by Denzel Washington really stands out to me for that reason....

“If you hang around 5 confident people, you will be the 6th. If you hang around with 5 intelligent people, you will be the 6th. If you hang around with 5 millionaires, you will be the 6th. If you hang around with 5 idiots, you will be the 6th.”

While people will knock Online Coaching I look at my Coach circle now and realize that we ARE the people I wanted to be around.

Look, it's not my job to try to convince you to join us, but instead I want YOU to write down YOUR dreams and ambitions EVERYDAY.

Next look for the people who ARE on that journey and are achieving those things!

If you want to be the 6th CONFIDENT, INTELLIGENT, HEALTHY, WEALTHY, HAPPY, LOVING & GIVING person then ya gotta go hang out with those people!

And as much as we want our circles NOW to see this potential in themselves and move up WITH us, there's a good chance they won't. And that's OHHH KAYYYYYYYY. Their life is THEIRS & Your life is YOURS.

If we aren't growing and pushing ourselves outside our comfort zones then NOTHING changes....and if you read to this length of my post I KNOW you want more too.

#thetimeisnow #trusttheprocess #yougotthis #youcansitwithus #healthyandwealthycoaching

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