Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Three Little Pigs

3 pigs taught me this one......

I always wanted to FEEL confident....because "looking" confident and "feeling" confident are 2 different things.

Ya see back before I was a Coach I really had it in my mind that confidence came from EXTERNAL and PHYSICAL changes and sometimes sure, becoming stronger physically MIGHT make you feel more confident in your strength but TRUE strength & confidence comes from within. ALWAYS.

I often think of the fairy tale where 3 houses are built, by yes...3 little pigs (you know how it goes).....One with straw, one with wood and the 3rd house brick. The first 2 houses are blown down while the 3rd remains. To me that house is us and standing strong without falling is our confidence.

I can tell you the EXACT moments my house came falling down. My parents divorce, toxic relationships, failed businesses, obsessing over the scale, binge eating & losing the "friends" that really never had my best interest.

But I'm not that same person. I love who I was because without those struggles and pushing past them wouldn't have lead me to where I am today and to the healthy relationships I DO have now. 

Too often people have tried to tear me down and I don't like to give attention to it often because I don't want them to think they "got to me." Because in reality.... They didn’t. And they NEVER will.

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