Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

You Need to Hear This

I feel like YOU need to hear this today...

You need to draw a line in the sand. Don't let one more person talk you out of your dreams. It's not anyone’s job to tell you what you can or can't do. Ya feel me!?

So what?!?! So you might have failed in the past. That doesn't define what you CAN and WILL accomplish tomorrow.

I could have said, "Yup failed at that online business..... & failed at that gym job... & failed at college... probably could never do the entrepreneur thing." .....but something inside of me reminded me...."Do I REALLY want to work on someone else’s dreams for the rest of my life....or work hard on building my own?!?!" UMMMMM, OPTION B. PLZ.

Can you relate here?👇👇👇👇
I was driven but I was lost.
I hated showing up even on my sickest and most tired days for a paycheck that wasn't even enough to give me ANY sense of security.

I was sad I missed time away from friends and family bc I couldn't afford to NOT work.

I knew if I didn't change then nothing would change, so I reached back out to the coach who told me about this. I OWNED the fact that my excuses were just that....EXCUSES...and why DEFEND feeling miserable when I wanted to FIGHT for a life of freedom!?

Ya can't have both. YOU can't keep WANTING change when in reality you are taking NO STEPS towards it!!! That's a lie. Do you REALLY want to stay the same MORE than you want change?

So what would it take to make that change? Is it enough for you? Is it enough for the people you love? Is it worth fighting for? If it IS worth it, then keep reading....

Are YOU driven but kinda lost at what to do?

Are YOU gonna show up and do the work & sacrifice some time NOW so someday you CAN have more time later?

Are YOU a dreamer who also envisions a life of healthy living, freedom & travel?

Do YOU want to leave a legacy and impact the world in a really positive way?!


That's why I became a Coach and I'm looking for ONLY 5 more people to train THIS SATURDAY for our group that begins on September 13th. I will train you HOW, you just gotta be willing to show up & learn as you go.

Let's go dreamer. We got work to do💕

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