Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.



Owning a fitness studio might have been my most expensive lesson I ever learned.
Some of you may know, I have been a Zumba instructor since 2008!!! (this month is my Zinversary actually)

From 2008 to to 2015 I taught for countless gyms making $2.50 -$18 per class.

In 2016 we saved enough to put up front $10,000 to open up a studio and 14 months later we closed. I tell ya this story because I have no regrets. I learned so much about myself and others and I realized that if I am SPENT emotionally, physically and financially then I CANNOT have the energy to be happy and successful. And NO it's NOT selfish to want a better life for myself. The people pleaser in me wanted me to stay this way because I valued MY worth on what I did for others. But what was I doing to myself!?!? DEFINITELY NOT treating myself with love.

Closing my studio was one of the hardest decisions of my life. I felt like a COMPLETE failure to all who would attended my classes. It took me almost 3 years before I began teaching regularly again. Then COVID hit and I've had to take this on Virtually......which I am loving πŸ’•

I've learned to roll with the punches and I've found that Coaching has once again been my ROCK to help me and others fill our cup FIRST so that we can pour into others.

And some of those affirmations that's helped me might just help you too...

πŸ’•I will NOT say YES to the wrong things out of guilt.πŸ’•I WILL say YES to the right things out love for myself and others. πŸ’•I am continuing to grow and learn from my mentors. πŸ’•I have a strong work ethic & I respect BOTH the work & rest part.πŸ’•I DO value my time now and I don't allow people into my life that want to take that away.πŸ’•I no longer pity myself for the struggles I've had, instead I welcome the struggles because there ARE lessons to be learned from them. πŸ’•It's not what happens to me that matters most, it's how I react to them that shows my true integrity.πŸ’• I choose to look at what I CAN control in my life and I WILL not let the negative thoughts pull me down any longer. πŸ’•I am worthy, beautiful & enoughπŸ’•I am thankful for everyday.

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