Self Love and Shame
Self Love & Shame can't be in the same room.
I know some people knock on "self love" and did I. Ya see I was thinking self love was all about "look at what IIII'MMM doing for myself... aren't I SOOOOOOOO great!?!"
Listen, I thought "these" people just wanted more attention.... When in actuality they were showing love and compassion for themselves & accepting ALL as beauty rather than "ugliness"...& MAYBE the reason I was judging them was because my own story started out in shame.
....I grew up Christian...well you could say Catholic, then non denominational, then Mennonite, then I just decided.....I'm gonna have a relationship with God whether or not I go to church. and for me, that's when things clicked.
Ya see growing up and having SHAME around what I wore, who I talked to, what I looked like and whether or not I went to church really taught me a few things about life. And since becoming a Coach and diving into Personal development I've realized that Self love is NOT a bad thing & we must choose love over hate.
If you hear or see HATE, walk away from it. I mean really, Why are we JUDGING others(whatever their size, race sexual orientation or preference) and then saying to our friends......."did you SEE WHAT THEY POSTED?!?! What kind of attention does that person want!?!!?...I wouldn't EVER POST THAT!!!"
Alright Sharon, well good for you. But What I stand for is accepting & LOVING myself & also accepting & LOVING others who say, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I want to be me, & love me & not feel this judgement from myself or from others."
We are out here standing for self love because it helps hold us to higher standard & don't ya think God would want us to love His in OURSELVES!?!? So stop the negative talk about yourself...especially in front of your kids. Stop the negative talk for judging someone else(in case ya forget, we ALLLLLL Gods children too ya know) and remember YOU ARE a part of the solution if you are uplifting Instead of trolling & Instead of judging you are praising...& I thank you for standing up for what is right.