Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

2% News Feed


💕I want to say thanks to each & everyone of you.💕 While there are millions of people scrolling social media there is LESS THAN 2% actually engaging, "liking"and supporting one another.

As I became an Online Entrepreneur I started to get really down on that number, but I decided I was going to be that 2% and SUPPORT the people in my newsfeeds. (I'm calling myself out here too, if I wanted to see more positive in the world, I had to start with myself)

So if you are posting something encouraging, heart felt, or about something that can help others just know I WILL BE liking those posts when I see them.

If you are sharing about your life or watching others, please keep showing up, keep connecting with people who inspire you to grow and keep being encouraged. We need ALL NEED SUPPORT Right now. #choosetolove ðŸ’•ðŸ’•ðŸ’•

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