Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

From Momma


💕I get it from my momma. 💕

"P.S. Something powerful was revealed to me just this morning -
**Fear IS a Choice**
Plain & Simple.
We are not given Fear. When Choose to either accept it, embrace it, or we CAN reject it.
We are Powerful Beings.
So please don't be fearful, be encouraged that we do have the power to change the road we're on!!
BTW, I personally DO wear a face mask when going out in public places. Not out of fear, but via Wisdom and choosing to protect my health, as best I can. 🙏❤️"
- my Mom

Mom, I love you & I love your perspective on what's going on. Thanks for the wise words. 💯💕
#fearisachoice #fitnessteeco


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