Your Online Biz
Running your own health & wellness business is NOT hard to do. Making healthier decisions is NOT hard to do. what IS HARD is MAKING yourself show up for it. CONSISTENTLY.
Think about it- our schooling, our careers and GENERATIONS of our families have all trained us to work for someone else- as in if we don't show up- we get fired(or detention).
That's NOT the case with Your own Online Business & Health goals- we can show up whenever we DO or DO NOT feel like it. So yes, you have to be STRONGER than your doubts and weaknesses and well basically your genetics too. But YES you CAN do this too.
The ONLY way is to do it when you DON'T FEEL LIKE IT.(& I mean rest as needed, guys....I'm not a hustling, lack of sleep person here. I hope you know that about me by now.) #beachvacays #gamergirl #netflix
What I'm saying though is you MUST Get out of your comfort zone RIGHT NOW and you will have success - if you don't then you will remain stuck until you think something better comes along and then you will be faced with the SAME struggles. Trust me, excitement for something NEW only lasts so long...then you realize its a DECISION.
I've been in this biz long enough to see people jump in and OUT of this and they end up signing up for another company, business, health fad..etc...and then failing AGAIN, and AGAIN and AGAIN. It's not the business, your plan or your's your mindset 100%%%%
Going forward and into 2021- do yourself a favor- stop breaking promises to yourself. If you want something- DO IT. You don't need to search for your answers- they are there. What you need to do is TAKE ACTION ON IT & this time- dive into personal development along the way.
Your mindset CAN strengthen when you DECIDE it can. Stop bringing the fails from your past into your present. Learn from them- begin again & when you feel the doubts creep in - face them. Don't run from the uncomfortable- go towards it and that my friend is where you learn you WANT to be. Trust me on this. And go do the thing you have been thinking about. Less searching. More doing. #yougotthis
#healthyandwealthycoaching #sweatwithsarah #thesweatlifewithsarah