Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Wrong Kind of Healthy


Not your typical transformation but I want you to know that binge eating and overtraining is common among a LOT OF fitness instructors and personal trainers so you aren't alone.

I remember in 2014 joining a cleanse group that cost me $400 per month and I starved my body even more than ever. I was allowed 2 shakes and one meal per day. Well after 2 months of adding to my thinking of "starvation= healthy" I said I can't keep doing this.

And no, it wasn't an easy transition but I had to STOP thinking food was bad and I had to start thinking food is fuel and medicine for my body.

Knowledge is power, educate yourself. Be skeptical. Do your research and really ask yourself, do I FEEL good?! Is my body stronger or weaker because of what I've eaten and how I've trained?! Because if it’s not it’s time to yell PIVOT & change your story. Your body deserves to be fueled right and given permission for rest days. So love it, and trust me, it will love you back  #tranformationtuesday #bingeeating #foodismedicine #nomorediets

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