A Little Bit of Hope
🙏A little bit of hope is all you need. 🙏
5 1/2 years ago I had a dream of joining what I thought was a cult🤣 but hey, these people online seemed happy and healthy and building dreams, so I thought...mayyyyyybe I could TRY🤔😬🤷🏽♀️
Eddie said ...."yea I've heard of this company, seems legit, go for it!" And just that little bit of hope was all I needed to allow myself to dream enough to go for it. And seriously my skepticism went away just a few months in when it started growing. I was like .."HOLY CRAP. I found out how to make a REAL income doing what I love."
Fast forward a few years and Eddie quit his job to come on board to help me build this & now he's building his dream of becoming a (paid) TWITCH streamer. And y'all he's making his dreams come true too 😍😭😍
Everyone has a season in life when all they need is a little bit of hope and support from someone they love. If Eddie wouldn't have given me the hope to dream I can't say we would be where we are at. But I think we would have still been living paycheck to paycheck in our one bedroom apartment while we both worked long hours apart from each other. That ain't cool. And guys, THERE IS A BETTER WAY.
Seriously, f your dream is to also help with your bills or maybe it's to live life on your own terms then let's talk. If you don't have that support yet, then YES let's STILL talk because I can give you that belief before you see it in yourself. Fill out my FIT-Influencer/Coach Application here
Your dreams are just as important as ours. 💕💕💕