Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Wanna Make a Bet?


I don't normally like to do a "J O I N M E" type post, buuuuuut SO MANY PEOPLE need a slap in the butt right now. ;) I get it, you are BUSY. No time for yourself, not motivated enough.... Guys, do ya think motivation just comes to "lucky people?!?" UMMM NOPE. It comes to people that want to FEEL AMAZING. They are the people that WANT confidence and they WANT to stop the cycle of trying and quitting. Seriously, ask yourself....IF NOT NOW, THEN WHEN!?!?!?!??! 

I'm here to help, but ONLY those that REALLY want a change. I only have 4 SPOTS LEFT!!!!! Yep, that's right, either you are IN or you AREN'T. So lemme get you the info NOW before registration closes on SUNDAY!!!!!

So what is it!?!?!


*Pay $10 to get into the group...(private app, accessed on your phone. No social media required) 
*Log 18 workouts(6 per week) for 3 weeks (streamed from anywhere, anytime, you just need interwebs access) 
*Replace one meal a day with the same superfoods smoothie I use.


Listen, you get your MONEY BACK when you stay committed (Plus any leftover money if people fall off!!!!) 

I followed this program pretty closely these last few weeks and I feel freaking amazing. Yes, it's the SAME program I'm doing WITH you, and I'M YOUR F R E E COACH!!!! You just need the same system for success my clients and I are also using!!! You in!!?!?!!??! Fill out my Virtual Fit Club Application if you want me to reserve your spot!!!!

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