Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Keep Going Strong


YES, THIS PROGRAM CHANGED MY LIFE... Huge Shout out to the Coaches who inspire me to keep going strong!!!!! I first did it 5 years ago and now revisiting it has helped me EVEN more. (Probably because there are training videos, more recipes, log/ tracker books and WAYYYY more support now) 😍😍😍.....

Listen friend, If you struggled with bingeing and emotional eating like I did in the past then just fyi, this program CAN help you not only change bad habits but also help you change your mindset. FOR GOOD. 

Too often we use food as reward (or punishment) instead of what it is really suppose to be used for -FUEL.

Need help changing your mindset and having a better relationship with food?!?!? 
Fill out my form to see if this lifestyle might work for you too.... 

#mindandbodymakeover #transform2k19#mindsetreset

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