Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Stop Giving Up


#truthbomb Remember how the NEW workout/meal plan or new job or new anything felt?! It was NEW. Excitement is ALWAYS around NEW. So what happens when "newness" wears off!? Because you know it will. It always does. But what if we made a conscious effort to treat EVERYDAY as a NEW day and cherish our life & see Newness in everything!?

Ya ever notice how kids dream and are excited over the littlest things? It's because life is NEW to them. They aren't jaded by pain or failures. So HOW do you get back there!?!??! And CAN you get back there!?

I πŸ’― know ya can!!!! You DECIDE that you will approach life differently. You will act out of love towards yourself & others. You will DECIDE to show up and give your best...even if you don't FEEL it. Your best self shows up in those moments & you start to become a leader in your life and you realize quitting and giving up is NOT an option. 
If ya need a Coach to help ya change your lifestyle behaviors then let's chat. MIND & BODY MAKEOVER registration opens THIS MONDAY!!!!!!!! I've seen enough people transform and MAINTAIN that transformation from changing from the inside. This is NOT a quick fix. This is work. But the BEST kind because it's holistic. It's practicing self love EVERYDAY & it's time to NEVER GIVE UP AGAIN. Ya ready yet!?!?


#mindandbodymakeover #transform2k19#mindsetreset #letsgethealthy #virtualbootcamp#virtualfitclub

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