Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Shame Was My Game


Shame was my game and I played it well until I realized if I TRULY wanted to help others I MUST face my own demons.

I went from over-training (teaching over 10 fitness classes a week) and binge eating most days of the week to realizing that the reason I got into fitness was NOT because I loved who I was, it was because I was punishing myself.
....I know, so backwards right!?!?!
My reasons for change were....

👉🏽 I was SICK of feeling so tired all the dang time.
👉🏽 I was sick of feeling shame for my binge eating.
👉🏽 I KNEW there was a better way, but instead of running from fear of failure I had to CHASE IT the fear and punch it in its freaking ugly face!!!

And yes, I FINALLY did something about it. I joined a Virtual Health Club and yes, I invite you to do this WITH ME. I want to help you face the reasons why food has been a struggle. I want you know you are loved and you ARE capable of having more confidence and you DESERVE to love your beautiful body on both the inside and out!

Check out the most recent babes who crushed the test group for our newest program launch. And yes the physical transformation is awesome but it's not always about the scale, because the weight that's released emotionally always make longer and lasting results. (Pics shown from their 8 week results).

REGISTRATION OPENS TODAY. I only have 3 promo codes for $20 off. If you want in on this fill out my Virtual Health Club Application here  ASAP!!!!!!

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