The Perfect Time
So ya wanna know when the PERFECT time is to start is?!🤔
It's NOT the 10,000th time you thought about it.
It's NOT when you look in the mirror and think negative thoughts about yourself.
It's NOT because someone told you to do it or made you feel guilty.
The perfect time for change is the FIRST time you think about change. Because where would you be NOW if you would have acted on it that FIRST time?! And if you struggle with taking action and procrastination, I get it...that's so me too...but this is a journey and I NEED HELP TOO!!!!!
.....So, I HIGHLY recommend you get the audiobook The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins. If you want real change you MUST change the conversation in your head and your beliefs about what you are capable of. Because my belief in you is irrelevant, because at the end of the day YOUR OWN mindset about yourself is what matters most.and babe, YOU MATTER. 💕