Just Eat Healthy
Happy Monday friends! I think you know by now that I'm all about eating and not "dieting". I don't believe in starving or cutting out entire food groups or think you have to live that way to become healthy. What I do believe in is adding to your diet. I find that most people are mal nourished.
Next time when you reach for a salty or high sugar or high fat food it is most likely because your body is trying to tell you something.
Tip- we are trapped by having unhealthy options too readily available. Instead we MUST set ourselves up for success. Ask yoursrlf? Am I really hungry or am I actually thirsty? Have I had enough water yet today? Most likely, no. Still hungry? Have a plan! Are there salad options at most places? Ummmm yes. Do you really want that burger!? Get a protien on the side then! And ask to share a small order of frys if you really "need" it.
Over time you WILL start to crave the betrer good options, but it takes time and practice. If we crave fast food then we have trained our brains to think we NEED it. Well we don't. We never will. Don't get me wrong 2x. A week I'm getting a burger or a treat...and that works for me. I'm not saying give it up...diet...fast...etc. what I'm saying is ADD nutrient dense foods to your eating plan. Feeling better, having better digestion and more energy is on the other side if this. Now isn't that healthier life worth it!?! 👌👌👌