Best Self
I hear this all the time...I need to FIND time to pursue my passion. I need to FIND time to get my workout in. I need to FIND balance in my life. Listen, you don't FIND time. Time is already there and it's constantly passing. And so is your life.
What you do now (yes even on a Saturday) matters years from now. If you really want to make this work then you will take action. Focused and purpose filled ACTION each day. Come face to face with your results producing action and also with your not so results producing habits. Do you have 30-60 minutes to focus on making your life better each day!? Truthfully!?!?!?🤔🤔🤔 Yes you do. We both know it.
There will always be re negative part of you saying that ...."no you don't have the time. No you won't be good enough and No don't even dream about this because it won't happen for you."... Well I'm not talking to that part of you or me any longer. Because we both know that part of us does not have the best intention for us and our futures#nottodayoreversatan .....INTEAD I'm talking to the part of us that understands and WANTS to live our BEST life. THAT person takes action and shows up day in and day out. OUR best self achieves greatness and positively influences those around us. And the more we listen to our BEST self the happier, healthier and more passionate and driven we become. 😊
So you ready to listen to that best self!?!?!? Start today woth one positive action in the right direction. Your BEST self will thank you 💜💜💜