Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Faith, Not Fear


I've always loved this saying because it reminds me of ALL the people, places and things I've experienced in my life and it was ONLY because I chose to live my life in FAITH and not FEAR.

I didn't always choose Faith though. I was SO fearful as a child. I avoided going ANYWHERE by myself because of this fear. And while some 'warnings' were given to me to protect me it actually started to make me feel like a victim in a negative dark world. But as I grew up I, began to realize that I was so fearful because I convinced myself of the negative outcomes that would happen. 

Too many times I judged others because what I believed to be truth was actually my own preconceived false truths. I told myself stories of how I would fail. I told myself lies about how others would judge me. I was insecure, blinded and built my own prison from this negativity. 

This saying 'Faith Over Fear' kept reminding to ask myself- "Am I LIVING with Faith over Fear? Does my life mirror that belief?"

I wanted a happier, loving & more fulfilled life. If I wanted to live this fulfilled life I had to search it out - I knew it would not just come to me. And if I DIDN'T take action then I knew I would miss SO MANY wonderful experiences and relationships and adventures by living in fear. 

Slowly but surely I re-wrote my story and knew that my life would look very different in 5, 10 - 50 years when I continued to choose FAITH over my FEARS. I started talking to myself more positively. I avoided drama and gossip. I searched out people who actively lived this FAITH over FEAR life and I learned from them. 

I also have a few reminders that have helped me along the way and I hope they encourage you today, tomorrow and the next 50 years to have a FAITH driven life rather than a life full of fear. 

๐Ÿ‘‰God created ALL people & they are ALL meant to be loved- not feared and hated for who they are or what they believe. 

๐Ÿ‘‰You have to make YOUR OWN choices in life. Do not be quick to judge. Do not base your choices and actions on what others do TO YOU. When you are faced with conflict always choose love. 

๐Ÿ‘‰God created you to find your passion and live and love life. It will take you many tries and failures before you 'figure it out' but know that these 'failures' lead you to success. Rome...and Beyonce weren't built in a day. ๐Ÿ˜‰

๐Ÿ‘‰When you judge others it's only because you are insecure- in what ways can you improve YOURSELF so you aren't always living in comparison? 

๐Ÿ‘‰When making a big decision, ask yourself- 'Will thinking like this or making this decision place me outside of my comfort zone so I can have a chance to learn and grow?' 

๐Ÿ‘‰When this life comes to an end, will you have lived it fully or not? Everyday decisions will determine this outcome. SO MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT!!!!

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