I always used to think that MULTI-TASKING was a great thing...I would even say I was good at it....but that couldn't be further from the truth.
Our minds are meant to focus on ONE task at a time. Sure we can walk and talk at the same time but when we are on our phone while spending time with family or friends then we must realize that we are NOT being present. We are distracted and becoming BETTER at being distracted. Every 14 seconds a new idea pops into our mind and if we aren't focused on what matters most, then we continue to chase another thought....or another idea.
Did you know we also lose about 28% of our day because of trying to multi-task!?!?!?! I see it ALL THE TIME and it makes sense that (ESPECIALLY ONLINE) people are distracted by NEW and shiny things ALL day long. Yes, Im talking to Fellow Online Entrepreneurs 😉😢 We spend money in hopes of new results but we NEVER have enough focus to actually FINISH ANYTHING. We have not become GREAT at a a few things in life...instead we have become mediocre at A LOT OF THINGS... our job, relationships and even our passions have taken a backseat to our distractions and our Multi-tasking. 😭😭
So what do we do!?!?!?! Well finish reading this post for starters 😉
Practice being in the moment. Leave your phone in your purse or pocket the next time you are with people. Trust me, they already think you are a jerk for texting while they are talking.🙈🙈🙈 When you show ACTUAL interest in them they will mirror you and also become better listeners. Trust me.
Yes, you knew I would throw that in there 😉BECAUSE IT'S FREAKIN TRUE!!!! Exercise triggers endorphins and you are able prioritize better and block out distractions. #googleit
Add in Personal development daily. Start with 15 will see how HARD it is to focus even that long so that's WHY you need it!!!!!
((((Message me if you want my top 3 (audio) books on becoming LESS distracted and in the moment. )))))
I hope that helps!!!!! Now go be task at a time. #onlincoach #theonething #focusforthewin