Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Creature of Habit


I'm such a creature of habit...amd it wasn't until I saw results from my habits to realize THEY ARE IMPORTANT!!!! There's a few things that are keeping me SUPER CONSISTENT in my business and I wanted to share my tips.....BUT FIRST COFFEE...
#1 TASTE IT....
Ha! Well really that IS my first tip. Whether you are a tea drinker. Coffee drinker or hot water with lemon kinda gal..seriously start with something you can taste. Get your tastebuds working. The more senses you use, the better.
# 2 SMELL IT......
Light a candle or I like to use a Do Terra Lemon grass essential oil one drop with some coconut oil. I put it in my neck and shoulders and it instantly relaxes and focuses my could be voodoo, but Ima keep doing it 😉
#3 LISTEN UP.....
Listen to something inspiring. I'm on a Bryan Tracy Kick ever since listening to the audio book EAT THAT FROG (YouTube him). Seriously this will motivate you and get you in the right mindset.
#4 WRITE IT.....
Write down your goals for the day...EACH DAY. As you get one item done, , cross it off the list & move onto the next item!!! It feels SOOOOO GOOD to cross it off! It gives you momentum to do the next thing!
What will happen when you succeed EVERYDAY for 5 years!??? what does that life look like? Is it worth the effort? Remember that CONSISTENCY IS KEY....You need to do this daily other wise you won't see results. And also know NO ONE WILL DO THIS FOR YOU!!!!! YOUR Success will be because of you. YOUR failure will be because of you. You might as well try to live your best life! You only get one chance!!!!

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