👉Likes coffee
👉Wears sweats all day
👉Likes to help people get healthier
👉Works part-time
I think you already know I love my job(s). ...
I mean seriously... I get up around 10 ish, I get to chat with my fellow Coaches, check in on my peeps in my accountability groups and later I will workout.....but first, coffee.😉☕ In my free time I choreograph and set up Zumba & Pound classes to go to different places to teach. I mean seriously...My job is rad. I didn't get here by accident though.
I TOOK RISKS....and I'm here to show you HOW to work SMARTER, NOT HARDER.
Part of my job js teaching others how to do this too. If you LOVE the Healthy lifestyle and like encouraging people then why not run my Groups WITH ME!?!??! I will teach you everything I know!!!!! And if you are serious about this "job" message me ASAP!!! I'm planning out my Spring groups now and I'm looking for a few people DRIVEN to eventually be their own boss too!! Is that you!?!?! PM me and lets figure this out TOGETHER!!!!! #2018GOALS #dreambigger #liveandloveyourlife #thesweatlifewithsarah