Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Why Do You Work Out?


Don't workout to ONLY improve the way you look. I mean yeah, its nice to reach a "size" or "weight" goal, but more importantly remember the bigger picture....
πŸ‘‰for a Stronger heart
πŸ‘‰No meds as you age
πŸ‘‰ to Lead by example for your loved ones
πŸ‘‰ to be able to comfortably wear a seat belt on a plane or roller coaster
πŸ‘‰ to have less DR. Visits
πŸ‘‰ to have more energy and to enjoy that "high" from a workout
πŸ‘‰ for stronger lungs and not being winded going up stairs
πŸ‘‰ to live not only longer but to also improve the overall quality of life
Just curious ...what would you add to this list?

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