Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Make the Rest the Best


My journey as a Coach & Fitness instructor has taught me so much about pursuing my BEST life. But in order for that to happen I had to be willing to get a little uncomfortable and show up on the days I didn't FEEL like it. Just like anything in life 👉pursuing your passion takes time, dedication and consistency. But that's definitely NOT the hardest part of my journey......
Once I could teach and Coach MYSELF how to show up then it was on me to lead others to become healthier, happier and driven. I became a mentor to those that wanted this same life. That's where this journey gets hard. ðŸ˜«ðŸ˜¯ðŸ˜«
While I see potential in SOOOO MANY PEOPLE there's STILL nothing I can do or say to motivate someone else to live their BEST life.... And that SUCKS. No secret spell I can learn from the Show Supernatural 😂 ha!!! I honestly wish I could be there on their shoulders to help encourage them daily, but I can't. The only thing I can do is hope and pray that they learn to love themselves ENOUGH to pursue their OWN BEST life and show up daily to it. 
In a way I feel we are ALL Coaches, Leaders, Parents and Teachers who are mentors to others. And just because someone fails or quits does NOT mean we failed them. The ONLY way to lead is by TRUE EXAMPLE. If we do that, then we have done our job and that's the BEST we can do 💛💛💛

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