Sarah Placencia

Coaching. Choreo. Coffee.

Day 1 pic


Heres my day 1 Pic!!!!! I see a person who CAN & WILL become healthier over the next 80 days. Sure I'm "pretty healthy" but honestly if I'm being REAL....then here's the REAL TRUTH......
👉 I need better nutrition MORE often. 
👉I need to develop a better sleep schedule. 
👉 I need more focus when I work.
👉 I need to STOP comparing myself to others. 
👉 I need to get back to taking care of ME!!!! 
So there it is. These are my goals over the next 80 days. ✊ I have a Challenge that started TUHHHDAYYYYY and I'm stoked to see those goals met. SOOOOOOO, am I prepared for this????????
....UMMM HECK YASSS ✊I've got a rocking nutrition plan thats teaching me SOOO MUCH about what I Really need. ✊I have workouts that continue to push me. ✊ And I have a Support group of inspiring people on this journey with me. 💜💛💜💛
There are always ways to improve your health & happiness and no one should have to do it on thier own. If you need help too, reach out. LETS DO THIS!!!! 💪😍💪😍💪😍 #thisisouryear#virtualfitclub #virtualsweatsesh #virtualbootcamp#onlinesweatsesh #homeworkout #thesweatlife#thesweatlifewithsarah

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